What is sORE?
sORE represents the equity in Ore-mine-pool, because whether the boost coefficient can be used is related to the amount of ore in the mining wallet. Therefore, we will not directly withdraw the ore, but transfer the sORE to you. He was originally exchanged 1:1 with ORE.
Why hold sORE?
First, because the sORE relative ORE appreciation! Their relationship is similar to that of mSOL and SOL At the beginning, 10% of the pit reward is the pool fee, and 90% is distributed to the user (by sORE). When about 100 ORE has been mined in total, I will configure 10%(depending on the situation) bonus to be allocated to sORE. For example, 100 ORE has been mined in the current pool and distributed to miners by minting 100 sore. The next mining has mined 1 ORE, then 10% of the pool cost (0.1sORE), 80% to the user (0.8sORE), 10% to the sORE holder. At this time, the total assets of the account record pool on the chain are 101 ore, and the sORE has 100.9 ORE, so the sORE can be exchanged for more ORE.
How to sell sORE?
Way 1, Sell directly on jup
Way 2, At unstake for ORE (current conversion price, 1% fee)
How to get sORE?
Method 1, Mining, reward in the form of sORE
Method 2, Gaining on for ore, exchange for sORE (current conversion price, 1% fee)
Last updated